Folks, I hate to admit it, but this thing's dead. The network security folks have at work effectively ended it, because it really was nothing more than a diversion from work and I have no desire to either get fired or to come home and wait to make dumbass comments about old news.
Besides, if you couldn't tell, I'm not that good at punditry anyway - there are plenty of people who do it more quickly than me, or more knowledgably than me, or just plain better than me in general. Go read their blogs - all of the links on the right are good places to start.
As far as I am concerned - never fear - I'm still blogging. Craig and I have started a new blog about our mutual favorite pastime... poker.
Feel free to check it out - it won't be updated everyday and it won't really touch on many topics besides cards, but if you're really on the edge of my seat to see words from me, posted on the internet, that's the new place to find them.
It's been fun!